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Merlin Taliesin Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Amazing Psyche Unearthly Health 62 Karma 160 Resources Amazing Popularity 30 Powers None Magic: Master of the Order and Nature Schools of Magic. Personal Astral Projection: Unearthly

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Mentor Alars of Titan Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Amazing Endurance Amazing Reason Incredible Intuition Remarkable Psyche Incredible Health 140 Karma 110 Resources Remarkable Popularity 0 / 50 among Eternals Powers Invulnerability Class 1000 resistance to aging, cold, disease, electricity,

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Meltdown Tabitha Smith Fighting Typical Agility Excellent Strength Typical Endurance Excellent Reason Poor Intuition Typical Psyche Typical Health 52 Karma 16 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers Plasma Bombs: Meltdown has the ability to create psionic “timebombs” that explode with Amazing

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Meggan Unknown Fighting Good Agility Remarkable Strength Good Endurance Amazing Reason Poor Intuition Incredible Psyche Incredible Health 100 Karma 84 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Changeling: Unearthly. Meggan may shift her physical statistics up to 4 ranks to a maximum

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Medusa Medusalith Amaquelin Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Excellent Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Remarkable Psyche Remarkable Health 110 Karma 70 Resources Excellent Popularity 15 / 90 among Inhumans Powers Prehensile Hair: Remarkable ability to use her hair like a

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Mayhem Brigid O’Rielly Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Remarkable Endurance Excellent Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 80 Karma 26 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers Claws: Mayhem’s fingernails serve as a Typical edged attack. Flight: Mayhem can levitate herself

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Maverick David North Fighting Incredible Agility Remarkable Strength Excellent Endurance Incredible Reason Excellent Intuition Incredible Psyche Remarkable Health 130 Karma 90 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Kinetic Absorbtion: Maverick has the mutant power which enables him to absorb kinetic energy

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Mathemanic Unknown Fighting Poor Agility Typical Strength Poor Endurance Good Reason Incredible Intuition Good Psyche Incredible Health 24 Karma 90 Resources Poor Popularity 0 Powers Math Telepath: Mathemanic is a genius mathematician who now has telepathic powers. He psionically attacks

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Marvel Girl III

Marvel Girl III Rachel Grey Fighting Good Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Amazing Reason Good Intuition Remarkable Psyche Monstrous Health 90 Karma 115 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers Telekinesis: Monstrous Force Fields: Amazing Kinetic Bolt: Amazing Flight: Excellent Telepathy: Amazing

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Marvel Girl II

Marvel Girl II Valeria Richards Fighting Good Agility Excellent Strength Remarkable Endurance Remarkable Reason Remarkable Intuition Good Psyche Excellent Health 90 Karma 70 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers Force Field Generation: Valeria can instantly come up with different force field

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