The Skrulls are a breed of green-skinned humanoids from the Andromeda Galaxy. They are a fierce warrior race who carved for themselves the oldest interstellar empire in the Universe’s history. Skrull science is generally at a higher level than the science of human civilization. The Skrulls were ruled by an Emperor or Empress, who had absolute power.
In the beginning the Skrulls were a peaceful, scientifically inclined race on Skrullos, a planet in the Drax system. Almost a billion years ago the Celestials arrived and experimented on the Skrulls’ reptillian ancestors. As the Celestials did with humans, they split the species into three branches: the “normal” branch who were capable of eventually rapidly evolving into Celestial-like beings, the shapeshifting Deviant branch, and the immortal Eternal branch. As in the case with humans, the Deviant and Eternal branches went to war. Unlike the case with humans, however, the Deviant branch wiped out all other Skrulls, thus all modern Skrulls were descendants of the Deviant branch. The Skrulls later split into two more groups, being the modern Skrulls and the Dire Wraiths, a parasitic race that could still shapeshift and had use of magic, but were not as technologically advanced as the Skrulls. Dire Wraith’s are analogous to the Skrulls as vampires are to humans.
Their shapeshifting powers aided the Skrulls’ departure into space. When they encountered a new race, they simply transformed themselves to resemble that race. The Skrull empire that resulted from these contacts was based on free trade and mutual cooperation.
Their scientists also formed the first Cosmic Cube that later became the Shaper of Worlds.
Distinguishing Features
Pointed ears, corrugated chins, green skin. Most males are bald and have no facial hair. Females have full head of hair. Most Skrulls are physically malleable, able to alter their shape size, and/or color at will.
Home World
Throneworld (capital), Skrullos (homeworld)
Physical Description
Adult Skrulls typically range from between 4 to 7 feet tall. They are bilaterally symmetric, with two legs and arms terminating with feet and hands respectively. Skrull hands have four independently moving fingers each with opposable thumbs. Skrulls have heads which have two forward facing eyes, giving them precise stereoscopic vision. Skrulls typically are covered in short, almost transparent, hair over most of their bodies but exhibit thicker tufts of hair on top of their heads. Skrulls have a green skin pigment, pointed ears, and ruffled chins. Most Skrulls also have the ability to shapeshift into other beings and objects
Skrulls are green-skinned reptilian humanoids with large pointed ears, red or green eyes, and corrugated chins. Skrulls are known for genetic and molecular instability, and genetic diversity, due to Celestial experimentation creating the Skrull “Deviants” (now the only surviving Skrulls). The Skrulls are known for their physical malleability and ability to shapeshift to any size, shape, or color at will, taking on the appearance but not the characteristics of other beings and objects within a volume range of .75 to 1.5 times the Skrull’s original volume. Skrulls are able to assume virtually any form, be it organic (e.g. cows) or inorganic (e.g. lamp). As a result, the Skrulls excel at spying and infiltration. Skrulls are also able to use their shapeshifting abilities to form weapons (e.g. blades and clubs) with parts of their bodies, making them dangerous hand-to-hand combatants.
Their sexual dimorphism is roughly the same of a human being, but their sexual orientation is more complex since they can change their genders at will. Skrull females do not give live birth; instead, they lay eggs like their reptilian evolutionary ancestors. Skrull children are known as “hatchlings”. Despite their reptilian evolutionary roots, however, Skrull females had mammary glands and nursed their young.
It was known that Skrulls were capable of producing hybrid offspring with humans and Kree: the Skrull Lyja was able to conceive with the Human Torch, and Hulkling is the son of the Kree military officer Mar-Vell and the Skrull princess Anelle.
The Skrull species, like the Kree, became genetically frozen in place and was unable to evolve further due to a single member of the Skrull species abusing the power of the Crystal of Ultimate Vision. As punishment, the Crystal “genetically froze their evolution in place”.
The Skrulls later developed the ability to render themselves undetectable when using their shapeshifting abilities, even from telepaths and those with superior senses.
Courtesy of their advanced technology, the Skrulls have also been able to augment their abilities in certain warriors, such as the Super Skrull and War Skrulls – an elite group who with special encoding are able to emulate the powers as well as appearance of their templates.
It is believed that Skrulls’ eyes are incapable of subtle visual perceptions as those of Earth humans, e.g. Skrulls once mistook samples of drawn artwork for photographs.
Skrulls have mastered space travel on vast scales, space and planet colonization, advanced energy based weaponry, advanced medical technology, warp drive starships, advanced robots, cyborg, and cybernetic technology, and advanced genetic technology.
- Faster than light capable starships
- Energy-based weapons in their ships and in their handheld weapons
- Force fields
- Faster than light communication
- Teleportation technology
Powers and Abilities
- Shapeshifting: The Skrulls are able to rearrange the molecules of their body at will into any form, shape or being perceived that they choose.
- Mimicry: Skrulls are cunning spies due to their ability to mimic sounds and voices. This is mainly used in conjunction with the shapes they shift into.
- Weapon Formation: Skrulls are able to use their shapeshifting abilities to form weapons with parts of their bodies. For instance, they can shape their arms into blades or clubs. This ability makes them dangerous hand-to-hand combatants.
Skrull Soldier
Fighting: Good
Agility: Good
Strength: Good
Endurance: Good
Reason: Good
Intuition: Good
Psyche: Typical
Health: 40
Karma: 26
Resources: N/A
Pop: 0
Known Powers:
- Shape-Shifting: Amazing, Skrulls are able to shape-shift and change into other than humanoid forms. They gain the physical powers of the form they assume and can increase their physical stats up to +1cs. They have the following power stunts:
- Night Vision: Unearthly
- Claws: Amazing Edged damage
- Hyper-Regeneration: Remarkable ability to heal surface tissue damage. They are also able to shift their internal organs to avoid any critical attacks (such as stabbing attacks).
- Body Resistance: Remarkable resistance to Physical and Energy
- Blending: Unearthly
- Metabolic Resistance: Incredible, they can reboot their genetic template to withstand many pathogens and poisons
- Detection Invisibility: Monstrous ability to hide from detection, such as smell, Magic or other detection methods.
- Body Armor: Excellent protection vs. Physical and Energy
- Energy blaster pistol: Excellent Energy damage, range: 10 areas
Skrull Technology, Military, Marksmanship, Space Navigation, Disguise
Super Skrull Soldier
Fighting: Remarkable
Agility: Excellent
Strength: Monstrous
Endurance: Amazing
Reason: Excellent
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Excellent
Health: 175
Karma: 50
Resources: Excellent
Pop: 0
Known Powers:
- Enhanced Skrull Physiology: The new Super-Skrulls have been genetically engineered. Their very body gives them the following abilities:
- Shape-Shifting: Unearthly, Skrulls are able to shape-shift and change into other than humanoid forms. They gain the physical powers of the form they assume and can increase their physical stats up to +1cs. They have the following power stunts:
- Night Vision: Unearthly
- Claws: Monstrous Edged damage
- Hyper-Regeneration: Incredible ability to heal surface tissue damage. They are also able to shift their internal organs to avoid any critical attacks (such as stabbing attacks).
- Body Resistance: Remarkable resistance to Physical and Energy.
- Blending: Unearthly
- Metabolic Resistance: Unearthly, they can reboot their genetic template to withstand many pathogens and poisons
- Detection Invisibility: Unearthly ability to hide from detection, such as smell, Magic or other detection methods.
- Superhuman Powers: The Super-Skrulls have been given the DNA of various members of the superhuman community, up to 5 different superhumans to a Skrull.
- Body Armor: Excellent protection vs. Physical and Energy
- Energy blaster pistol: Excellent Energy damage, range: 10 areas
Martial Arts B, E, Skrull Technology, Detective/Espionage, Astro-Navigation, Pilot, Survival