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US Agent

Identity: John Walker Fighting Incredible Agility Incfredible Strength Incredible Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Incredible Psyche Remarkable Health 150 Karma 80 Resources Typical Popularity 50 US Agent Powers None Equipment Shield: USAgent’s Shield is made of Unearthly material. He can

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Laura Kinney-Logan Fighting: Remarkable Agility: Remarkable Strength: Typical Endurance: Remarkable Reason: Good Intuition: Remarkable Psyche: Excellent Health 96 Karma 60 Resources Feeble Popularity 0 Powers Claws: X-23 has has two retractable claws on each forearm, and a third claw

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Adam Summers Fighting Amazing Agility Incredible Strength Remarkable Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Remarkable Psyche Remarkable Health 160 Karma 70 Resources Poor Popularity 5 Powers Bio-Physical control – Paralysis: X-Treme has the ability to “ignite” the electrolytes in a

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Nate Grey Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Incredible Psyche Amazing Health 90 Karma 100 Resources Typical Popularity 15 Powers Mental Powers: Nate Grey is a powerful mutant with mental powers that has great potential

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Yellowjacket I

Identity: Doctor Henry ‘Hank’ Pym Fighting: Remarkable Agility: Good Strength: Good Endurance: Remarkable Reason: Remarkable Intuition: Good Psyche: Good Health: 80 Karma: 50 Resources: Excellent Popularity: 0 Powers Projective Sizing: He can generate a field of “Pym Particles” to alter

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Yellowjacket II

Identity: Rita Demara Fighting: Typical Agility: Good Strength: Typical Endurance: Excellent Reason: Good Intuition Typical Psyche Good Health: 42 Karma: 26 Resources: Typical Popularity: 0 Powers None Equipment Helmet: The Yellowjacket helmet allows the following powers: Shrinking: The helmet contains

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Zuras Fighting: Monstrous Agility: Amazing Strength: Monstrous Endurance: Unearthly Reason: Monstrous Intuition: Monstrous Psyche: Unearthly Health: 300 Karma: 250 Resources: Monstrous Popularity: 25 Powers Invulnerability: Zuras has Class 1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Energy, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins and Disease.

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Jean Paul Valley Fighting Amazing Agility Incredible Strength Remarkable Endurance Incredible Reason Excellent Intuition Remarkable Psyche Amazing Health 170 Karma 100 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers None Equipment Azrael Holy Armor: The Azrael costume is red, gold and a

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 80 Karma 26 Resources Typical Popularity 6 Aurora Powers True Flight: Aurora may fly at Shift-Z Speed. While in flight she has

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Arthur Maddicks Fighting Feeble Agility Typical Strength Poor Endurance Typical Reason Typical Intuition Poor Psyche Good Health 18 Karma 20 Resources Feeble Popularity 0 Artie Powers Telepathy: Artie can read minds with Remarkable intensity. He cannot send messages on

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Posted in Marvel Heroes