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Pinball Identity: Unknown Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Excellent Intuition Typical Psyche Remarkable Health 32 Karma 56 Resources Poor Popularity 0 Powers None Equipment Inflatable Suit: By pulling a ripcord he could inflate his suit to

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Photon II

Photon II Identity: Genis Vell Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Incredible Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Amazing Psyche Remarkable Health 130 Karma 90 Resources Typical Popularity 55 Powers Kree Physiology: Originally, Genis had no superhuman powers. However, the Kree have

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Phoenix Identity: Jean Grey Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Amazing Health 56 Karma 80 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Telekinesis: Amazing Mental Force Shield of Amazing strength Fire Amazing Force Bolts Move

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Phastos Identity: None Fighting Remarkable Agility Excellent Strength Amazing Endurance Monstrous Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Remarkable Health 140 Karma 90 Resources Incredible Popularity 5 Powers Invulnerability: Ikaris has Class 1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Energy, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins and

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Pete Wisdom

Pete Wisdom Idenitity: Peter Wisdom Fighting Excellent Agility Remarkable Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Excellent Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 80 Karma 50 Resources Good Popularity 5 Powers Energy Knives: Wisdom can create knives of energy that he can project

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Persuasion Identity: Kara Killgrave Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Typical Intuition Excellent Psyche Amazing Health 32 Karma 76 Resources Poor Popularity 0 Powers Pheromones: Kara has pheromones that give her Amazing powers of Mind Control in

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Penance Identity: Unknown Fighting Typical Agility Typical Strength Excellent Endurance Incredible Reason Poor Intuition Poor Psyche Typical Health 72 Karma 14 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers Diamond Hard Skin: Provides Amazing body armor. Her skin has sharp edges that do

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Cheney, Lila

Origin: Mutant renegade Fighting: Good 10 Agility: Excellent 20 Strength: Typical 6 Endurance: Remarkable 30 Reason: Excellent 20 Intuition: Good 10 Psyche: Typical 6 Health: 66 Karma: 36 Resources: Rm (30) Popularity: 55 Powers: Intergalactic Teleportation: Lila has the ability

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Peter Parker Fighting: Incredible Agility: Amazing Strength: Incredible Endurance: Incredible Reason: Excellent Intuition: Good Psyche: Incredible Health: 170 Karma: 70 Resources: Typical Popularity: 30 Powers Spider Sense: Amazing. Buzzing, cannot be blindsided and may make defensive actions if he

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Sersi Fighting Excellent Agility Remarkable Strength Amazing Endurance Amazing Reason Excellent Intuition Remarkable Psyche Incredible Health 150 Karma 90 Resources Remarkable Popularity 15 Powers Invulnerability: Sersi has Class 1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Energy, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins and Disease. She

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Posted in Marvel Heroes