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Guardian III

Identity: James MacDonald Hudson Fighting Excellent Agility Incredible Strength Amazing Endurance Incredible Reason Incredible Intuition Good Psyche Excellent Health 130 Karma 70 Resources Excellent Popularity 5 Powers Mechanical Augmentation: Guardian’s powers come from his integration with his battlesuit. His battlesuit

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Guardian I

Identity: James MacDonald Hudson Fighting Excellent Agility Incredible Strength Remarkable Endurance Excellent Reason Incredible Intuition Good Psyche Excellent Health 110 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity 0 Powers None Equipment Battlesuit: Boost Agility and Strength to listed levels, without the suit

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Unknown Fighting Poor Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Typical Intuition Typical Psyche Incredible Health 30 Karma 52 Resources Poor Popularity 0 Powers Emotion Control: Gossamyr has an unconscious ability to control emotions. When she is preset, her

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Unknown Fighting Remarkable Agility Good Strength Incredible Endurance Amazing Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 130 Karma 26 Resources Excellent Popularity 6 / 80 with Inhumans Powers Mutated Legs and Feet: Gorgon’s legs are heavily muscled and his

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Unknown Fighting Excellent Agility Remarkable Strength Excellent Endurance Incredible Reason Poor Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 110 Karma 34 Resources Feeble Popularity 0 Powers Claws: Goblyn’s claws can do Remarkable Edged damage. Body Armor: Goblyn’s black skin serves as

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Thomas Gideon Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Poor Endurance Typical Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Amazing Health 26 Karma 66 Resources Class 5000 Popularity 0 Powers Tachyon Manipulation: Glorian’s major power is his ability to travel by creating a

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Kallark Fighting Monstrous Agility Amazing Strength Unearthly Endurance Unearthly Reason Amazing Intuition Monstrous Psyche Incredible Health 325 Karma 165 Resources Remarkable Popularity 0 / 100 with Sh’iar Powers Invulnerablity: Class 1000 resistance to Fire, Heat Cold, Radiation, Toxins, and

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Forgotten One Fighting Monstrous Agility Remarkable Strength Unearthly Endurance Unearthly Reason Excellent Intuition Remarkable Psyche Remarkable Health 305 Karma 80 Resources Remarkable Popularity 20 Powers Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Gilgamesh can manipulate cosmic energy with Amazing ability, projecting Amazing beams

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Giant Man II

Identity: William Barrett Foster Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Excellent Intuition Good Psyche Amazing Health 50 Karma 80 Resources Good Popularity 10 Powers Growth: Foster’s rank was Amazing, but his Strength could only reach Incredible. Each

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Giant Man I

Identity: Henry Pym Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Remarkable Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 60 Karma 50 Resources Excellent Popularity 30 Powers Size Manipulation-Shrinking: Hank Pym is able to shrink down to insect-size due to his

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Posted in Marvel Heroes