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Ironman – Stealth MK II

Ironman – Stealth MK II Identity: Anthony Stark Fighting Excellent Agility Remarkable Strength Incredible Endurance Monstrous Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 165 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity 35 Powers None Equipment The Stealth armor is another of the

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Ironman – Skin

Ironman – Skin Identity: Anthony Stark Fighting Incredible Agility Remarkable Strength Unearthly Endurance Unearthly Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 270 Karma 70 Resources Monstrous Popularity 35 Ironman Powers None Equipment MARK 20 ARMOR: This armor’s main difference from

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Ironman – Silver Centurian

Ironman – Silver Centurian Identity: Anthony Stark Fighting Excellent Agility Remarkable Strength Monstrous Endurance Monstrous Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 200 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity 35 Powers None Equipment Stark began recreating the Silver Centurian armor as

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Ironman – Hydro Armor

Ironman – Hydro Armor Identity: Anthony Stark Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Incredible Endurance Unearthly Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 180 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity 35 Powers None Equipment Hydro Armor: The undersea armor, designed for salvage

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Ironman – Hulkbuster

Ironman – Hulkbuster Identity: Anthony Stark Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Unearthly Endurance Unearthly Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 260 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity 35 Powers None Equipment DESIGN NOTES: The Hulkbuster armor is heavy-duty exo-frame designed

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Ironman – Golden Avenger

Ironman – Golden Avenger Identity: Anthony Stark Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Amazing Endurance Monstrous Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 165 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity 35 Powers none Equipment This was the suit of armor known as

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Anthony Stark Fighting: Incredible Agility: Remarkable Strength: Unearthly Endurance: Unearthly Reason: Incredible Intuition: Excellent Psyche: Good Health: 270 Karma: 70 Resources: Monstrous Popularity: 35 Powers High-Yield Arc Reactor: The armor and Stark’s own body are powered by the high-yield

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Iron Monger

Identity: Obadiah Stane Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Incredible Endurance Monstrous Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 145 Karma 40 Resources Incredible Popularity 0 Powers Structural System- Ability Modifiers +3CS bonus to Fighting* (Excellent maximum) +1CS bonus to Agility*

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Iron Fist

Identity: Daniel Rand Fighting Amazing Agility Incredible Strength Good Endurance Remarkable Reason Excellent Intuition Good Psyche Incredible Health 130 Karma 70 Resources Typical Popularity 30 Powers Chi: Ironfist can increase any one of his physical attributes by +1CS for 10

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Invisible Woman

Identity: Sue Storm Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Typical Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 76 Karma 40 Resources Remarkable Popularity 50 Powers Invisibilty: Amazing Render object or persons invisible with Remarkable ability, partially or whole up

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Posted in Marvel Heroes