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Sentry Identity: Robert Reynolds Fighting Remarkable Agility Amazing Strength Unearthly Endurance Monstrous Reason Amazing Intuition Incredible Psyche Incredible Health 255 Karma 130 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers Sentry: Robert Reynolds must drink a Secret Formula to have access to his

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Scream Identity: Unknown Fighting Incredible Agility Amazing Strength Remarkable Endurance Monstrous Reason Poor Intuition Typical Psyche Remarkable Health 195 Karma 40 Resources Feeble Popularity 0 Powers Energy Body: Scream has no physical body, but is a contruct of sonic energy.

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Scarlet Spider

Scarlet Spider Identity: Ben Reilly Fighting Remarkable Agility Amazing Strength Remarkable Endurance Incredible Reason Excellent Intuition Excellent Psyche Incredible Health 150 Karma 80 Resources Poor Popularity 10 Powers Wall-Crawling: Amazing Combat Sense: A “buzzing” in his head alerts Ben to

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Sasquatch III

Sasquatch III Identity: Heather Hudson Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Monstrous Endurance Amazing Reason Remarkable Intuition Good Psyche Remarkable Health 185 Karma 70 Resources Poor Popularity 0 Powers Body Resistance: Remarkable resistance to physical and energy damage Hyper-Leaping: Unearthly Claws:

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Sasquatch II

Sasquatch II Identity: None Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Shift-X Endurance Monstrous Reason Feeble Intuition Typical Psyche Excellent Health 285 Karma 28 Resources Not Applicable Popularity 0 Powers Body Resistance: Remarkable resistance to physical and energy damage Hyper-Leaping: Unearthly Claws:

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Sasquatch I

Sasquatch I Identity: Walter Langkowski Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Monstrous Endurance Amazing Reason Remarkable Intuition Good Psyche Remarkable Health 185 Karma 70 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Body Resistance: Remarkable resistance to physical and energy damage Hyper-Leaping: Unearthly Claws:

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Sabra Identity: Ruth Bat-Seraph Fighting Incredible Agility Incredible Strength Amazing Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 160 Karma 40 Resources Typical Popularity 10 Powers Superhuman Physiology: Sabra’s skin, muscle and bone are more dense. This also provides

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Leyu Yashida Fighting: Good Agility: Excellent Strength: Typical Endurance: Excellent Reason: Good Intuition: Typical Psyche: Typical Health: 46 Karma: 22 Resources: Typical Popularity: 0 Powers Plasma Generation: Sunpyre’s powers are very similar to those of her brother. She is

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Roberto Da Costa Fighting: Good Agility: Excellent Strength: Remarkable Endurance: Amazing Reason: Typical Intuition: Typical Psyche: Typical Health: 110 Karma: 18 Resources: Typical Popularity: 0 Powers Solar Energy Absorption: Sunspot is a solar battery. He constantly absorbing solar energy that

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Super Sabre

Martin Fletcher Fighting: Good Agility: Excellent Strength: Typical Endurance: Remarkable Reason:Typical Intuition: Typical Psyche: Good Health: 66 Karma: 22 Resources: Typical Popularity: 5 Powers Super Speed: Super Sabre has the ability to run at Amazing land speed (8 areas/round). He

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Posted in Marvel Heroes