Sasquatch III

Sasquatch III
Identity: Heather Hudson

Fighting Remarkable
Agility Remarkable
Strength Monstrous
Endurance Amazing
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Good
Psyche Remarkable

Health 185
Karma 70
Resources Poor
Popularity 0

Body Resistance: Remarkable resistance to physical and energy damage
Hyper-Leaping: Unearthly
Claws: Remarkable edged damage.
Regeneration: Good
Alter Ego: Heather Hudson can change to her Sasquatch form at will, in human form she possesses the following stats:

Fighting Good
Agility Good
Strength Typical
Endurance Good
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Good
Psyche Remarkable

Health 36
Karma 70


Physics; Radiation; Medicine; Biology


Exiles, Alpha Flight; Xmen


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Posted in Marvel Heroes