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Psylocke II

Psylocke II Identity: Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock Fighting Amazing Agility Incredible Strength Excellent Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Remarkable Psyche Amazing Health 140 Karma 90 Resources Excellent Popularity 0 Powers Telepathy: Amazing Psychic Blades: Amazing energy to living target and target

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Psylocke I

Psylocke I Identity: Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Remarkable Psyche Incredible Health 60 Karma 80 Resources Excellent Popularity 0 Powers Telepathy: Psylocke is a mutant with mental abilities of Incredible rank.

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Prowler Identity: Hobie Brown Fighting Typical Agility Excellent Strength Typical Endurance Excellent Reason Excellent Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 52 Karma 40 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers None Equipment Claws: The Prowler wears gauntlets made of an Incredible strength rank

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Professor X

Professor X Identity: Charles Francis Xaiver Fighting Good Agility Feeble Strength Good Endurance Good Reason Remarkable Intuition Excellent Psyche Monstrous Health 32 Karma 125 Resources Good Popularity 10 Powers Telepathy: Unearthly Mind Probe: Unearthly Project Thought: Monstrous Mental Command: Monstrous

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Professor Imam

Professor Imam Identity: None Fighting Feeble Agility Poor Strength Poor Endurance Unearthly Reason Incredible Intuition Incredible Psyche Unearthly Health 110 Karma 180 Resources Amazing Popularity 10 Powers None Magic: He is Earth-S’ sorceror supreme, so when in his prime he

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Prime Identity: Kevin Green Fighting Incredible Agility Amazing Strength Shift-X Endurance Unearthly Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Remarkable Health 340 Karma 46 Resources Typical Popularity 10 Powers Body Alteration: Prime Skin Provides Shift-Z protection vs Heat/Cold Monstrous resistance vs Blunt,

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Powerhouse Identity: Alex Power Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Amazing Reason Good Intuition Typical Psyche Typical Health 72 Karma 22 Resources Poor Popularity 0 Powers Gravity Control: Alex can negate or increase the effects of gravity with Monstrous

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Power Princess

Power Princess Identity: Zarda Shelton Fighting Monstrous Agility Monstrous Strength Amazing Endurance Monstrous Reason Remarkable Intuition Incredible Psyche Incredible Health 275 Karma 110 Resources Unearthly Popularity 40 Powers True Invulnerability : Remarkable resistance to physical, energy, heat, cold, toxins, aging,

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Polaris Identity: Lorna Dane Fighting Good Agility Excellent Strength Typical Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Remarkable Health 76 Karma 60 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Magnetism: Monstrous ability to control magnetic fields. She has the following established power

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Pip, the Troll

Pip, the Troll Identity: Prince Gofern Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Remarkable Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Good Psyche Poor Health 66 Karma 24 Resources Typical Popularity -10 Powers Teleportation: Pip has displayed the ability to teleport with vast range,

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Posted in Marvel Heroes