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Diamondback Identity: Rachel Leighton Fighting Remarkable Agility Incredible Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 100 Karma 40 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers None Equipment Diamondback wields a number of 4-inch long elongated diamond-shaped throwing spikes

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Devil Slayer

Devil Slayer Identity: Eric Simon Payne Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Incredible Health 70 Karma 70 Resources Excellent Popularity 10 Powers Hallucinations: Incredible Mental Probe: Incredible Telekinesis: Good Telepathy: Excellent Devil Slayer

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Deaths Head II

Deaths Head II Identity: None Fighting Incredible Agility Remarkable Strength Monstrous Endurance Unearthly Reason Remarkable Intuition Amazing Psyche Incredible Health 245 Karma 120 Resources Incredible Popularity 0 Powers Body Armor: Death’s Head II’s exterior armor is a composite shell of

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Dazzler Identity: Alison Blair Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Typical Endurance Excellent Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 66 Karma 22 Resources Typical Popularity 5 Powers Energy Conversion: Dazzler can transform sound into light, this provides her with energy

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Darkhawk Identity: Christopher Powell Fighting Typical Agility Remarkable Strength Remarkable Endurance Remarkable Reason Poor Intuition Typical Psyche Excellent Health 96 Karma 30 Resources Poor Popularity 10 Powers Regeneration: While in the Darkhawk personae, he can heal up to 40 points

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Posted in Marvel Heroes

Dark Angel

Identity: Shevaun Haldane Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Excellent Reason Remarkable Intuition Good Psyche Incredible Health 46 Karma 80 Resources Good Popularity 5 Powers None Equipment Costume: Shevaun’s costume is actually part of the Fabric of the Universe.

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Matt Murdoch Fighting Incredible Agility Incredible Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Monstrous Psyche Remarkable Health 110 Karma 115 Resources Good Popularity 30 Powers Enhanced Senses: Monstrous, Overloading these senses reduces his Intuition by -1CS. Any FEAT against

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Tandy Bowen Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Typical Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 76 Karma 30 Resources Feeble Popularity 5 Powers Light Generation: She can create Remarkable Intensity light that fills up to 2 Areas.

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Douglas Ramsey Fighting Typical Agility Typical Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Remarkable Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 28 Karma 46 Resources Poor Popularity 3 Powers Linguistics: Incredible Talents Computers Contacts New Mutants, Shadowcat History Douglas Ramsey was a teenage

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Scott Summers Fighting Excellent Agility Remarkable Strength Good Endurance Remarkable Reason Excellent Intuition Remarkable Psyche Remarkable Health 90 Karma 80 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Optic Blast: Monstrous force damage upto 4 areas. Each area beyond that is decreased

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Posted in Marvel Heroes