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Ghost Rider – Hamilton Slade

Identity: Hamilton Slade Fighting Typical Agility Excellent Strength Excellent Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Remarkable Health 86 Karma 60 Resources Typical Popularity 5 Powers Detection of Evil: When in the pres ence of ‘evil,’ Hamilton Slade is possessed

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Unknown Fighting Typical Agility Typical Strength Poor Endurance Excellent Reason Typical Intuition Remarkable Psyche Amazing Health 36 Karma 86 Resources Feeble Popularity 0 Powers Teleportation: Gateway’s one known power is the ability to open a gateway between his holy

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Xen Whoberis Fighting Amazing Agility Amazing Strength Amazing Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Incredible Psyche Excellent Health 190 Karma 70 Resources Typical Popularity -10 Powers Gamora’s natural abilities were raised to superhuman levels by Thanos so that she would

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Identity: Remy LeBeau Fighting Remarkable Agility Incredible Strength Good Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Remarkable Psyche Incredible Health 110 Karma 80 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Energy Charge: Gambit can charge a non-living object to explode on impact. Size of

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Foxfire Identity: Olivia Underwood Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Typical Intuition Typical Psyche Excellent Health 36 Karma 32 Resources Unearthly Popularity 40 Powers Disruption: Remarkable ability to cause a target to fall apart. A Good intensity

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Forge Identity: Unknown Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Incredible Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Amazing Health 80 Karma 110 Resources Remarkable Popularity 0 Powers Invention: Forge can subconciously understand and then create sophisticated devices, giving him the equivalent

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Flex Identity: Adrian Corbo Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Good Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 36 Karma 22 Resources Remarkable Popularity 0 Powers Flex can transform his arms into Incredible strength sharp metal. When he succeed

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Firestar Identity: Angelica Jones Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Typical Psyche Excellent Health 56 Karma 30 Resources Incredible Popularity 0 Powers Invulnerablity: Class 1000 resistance to microwaves and heat Microwave Manipulation: Amazing, She can

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Firelord Identity: Pyreus Kril Fighting Amazing Agility Monstrous Strength Amazing Endurance Unearthly Reason Remarkable Intuition Monstrous Psyche Amazing Health 275 Karma 155 Resources Not Applicable Popularity 0 Powers True Flight: Class 1000, Unearthly in atmosphere Invulnerability: Class 1000 resistance to

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Posted in Marvel Heroes


Firebird Identity: Bonita Juarez Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Excellent Psyche Remarkable Health 56 Karma 56 Resources Typical Popularity 10 Powers Heat Generation and Manipulation: Firebird can generate and manipulate heat with Amazing ability.

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Posted in Marvel Heroes