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Cyber Unknown Fighting Incredible Agility Good Strength Incredible Endurance Monstrous Reason Typical Intuition Excellent Psyche Excellent Health 165 Karma 46 Resources Typical Popularity -8 Powers Brain Pattern Tracking: Cyber can track a specific brain pattern with Incredible ability. Adamantium laced

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Crusader Arthur Blackwood Fighting Amazing Agility Remarkable Strength Amazing Endurance Amazing Reason Typical Intuition Poor Psyche Excellent Health 180 Karma 30 Resources Typical Popularity -5 Powers Power of Faith: Crusader’s superhuman ability stems from his faith. He embodies the collective

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Crossfire William Cross Fighting Remarkable Agility Remakable Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Excellent Intuition Excellent Psyche Excellent Health 90 Karma 60 Resources Typical Popularity -3 Powers Enhanced Senses: Crossfire lost his left eye and ear, and 85% of the hearing

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Crimson Dynamo IV

Crimson Dynamo IV Valentin Shatolov Fighting Remarkable Agility Excellent Strength Monstrous Endurance Monstrous Reason Good Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 200 Karma 30 Resources Amazing Popularity 0 / 30 in Russia Powers None Equipment All of the Crimson Dynamo’s powers

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Crimson Cowl

Crimson Cowl Justine Hammer Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Good Psyche Excellent Health 46 Karma 40 Resources Good Popularity -10 Powers The Crimson Cowl wears a suit of cybernetically controlled cloak that has increased

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Crimson Commando

Crimson Commando Frank Bohannan Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 80 Karma 20 Resources Excellent Popularity -1 Powers None Equipment Body Armor: Crimson Commando’s costume provides Excellent protection from physical attacks

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Count Nefaria

Count Nefaria Count Luchino Nefaria Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Unearthly Endurance Unearthly Reason Incredible Intuition Incredible Psyche Remarkable Health 240 Karma 110 Resources Feeble Popularity 40 Powers Lasor Emmision: Unearthly True Invulnerability: Unearthly Hyper Leaping: Class 3000 Hyper Speed:

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Cottonmouth Quincy McIver Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 46 Karma 22 Resources Good Popularity -3 Powers Bionic Jaws: McIver’s mouth and jaws have been bionically enhanced. His teeth were replaced

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Copperhead Robert Reynolds Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Good Reason Good Intuition Typical Psyche Good Health 36 Karma 26 Resources Good Popularity -8 Powers None Equipment Viper Stings: Copperhead employs gauntlets which can fire a single burst of

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Controller Basil Sandhurst Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Excellent Endurance Remarkable Reason Excellent Intuition Poor Psyche Typical Health 110 Karma 30 Resources Excellent Popularity -5 Powers None Equipment Exo-Skeleton: The Controller possesses a stainless steel exo-skeleton/body armor that was micro-surgically

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