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Red Skull

Red Skull Johann Schmidt Fighting Amazing Agility Incredible Strength Excellent Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Incredible Psyche Remarkable Health 140 Karma 80 Resources Good Popularity -10 Powers None Special: After exposure to the cosmic cube Red Skull gained the Class

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Red Ronin

Red Ronin Dr Earl Cowan Fighting Excellent Agility Typical Strength Amazing Endurance Unearthly Reason Remarkable Intuition Typical Psyche Poor Health 176 Karma 40 Resources Remarkable Popularity -5 Powers Robotic Body: The Red Ronin automation is a huge robot. It stands

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Red Ghost

Red Ghost Ivan Kragoff Fighting Good Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Amazing Reason Remarkable Intuition Typical Psyche Good Health 90 Karma 46 Resources Remarkable Popularity -5 Powers Phasing: Ivan can alter his appearance with Unearthly ability to appear as solid

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Ravage Geoffrey Crawford Fighting Remarkable Agility Good Strength Unearthly Endurance Monstrous Reason Remarkable Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 215 Karma 46 Resources Feeble Popularity 0 Powers Invulnerablity: Class 1000 resistance to Cold, Heat, Fire, Radiation, Disease True Invulnerability: Monstrous Regeneration:

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Rattler Gustav Krueger Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Excellent Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Typical Psyche Typical Health 60 Karma 22 Resources Good Popularity -3 Powers Bionic Tail: Rattlers tails is a bionic implant of unknown origin. The tails has

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Rama-Tut Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Amazing Intuition Excellent Psyche Excellent Health 46 Karma 90 Resources Amazing Popularity -15 Powers None Equipment Body Armor: Rama Tut wears body armor that provides Excellent protection from physical and

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Radioactive Man

Radioactive Man Dr. Chun Lu Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Amazing Endurance Unearthly Reason Excellent Intuition Excellent Psyche Excellent Health 170 Karma 60 Resources Excellent Popularity -10 Powers Invulnerability: Class 1000 resistance to all forms of Radiation. Radioactivity Manipulation: The

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Mystique Raven Darkholme Fighting Remarkable Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Amazing Reason Excellent Intuition Remarkable Psyche Incredible Health 110 Karma 90 Resources Excellent Popularity 0 Powers Shapechanging: Mystique is a mutant with the Unearthly ranked ability to shape-shift with a

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Mysterio Quentin Beck Fighting Excellent Agility Excellent Strength Incredible Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 120 Karma 40 Resources Remarkable Popularity -5 Powers None Equipment Suit: Excellent material, provides Excellent vs. physical & energy Smoke Screen: That’s

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Morgan Le Fay

Morgan Le Fay Fighting Typical Agility Typical Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Incredible Health 28 Karma 70 Resources Poor Popularity -1 Powers None Magic: Master Level Sorceress of the Faerie School of Magic. While casting spells

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