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Titanium Man

Titanium Man Boris Bullski Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Amazing Endurance Monstrous Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 185 Karma 40 Resources Good Popularity -30 Powers None Equipment Titanium Armor : All of Comrade Bullski’s powers derive from the

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Titania II

Titania II Mary MacPherran Fighting Amazing Agility Good Strength Unearthly Endurance Monstrous Reason Good Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 235 Karma 30 Resources Typical Popularity -5 Powers Body Resistance: Monstrous protection against physical and energy damage Resistances: Amazing protection from

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Tinkerer Phineas Mason Fighting Poor Agility Typical Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 26 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity -10 Powers None Talents Electronics, Engineering, Repair/Tinker Contacts Underworld History Very little is known about the

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Timeshadow Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 50 Karma 26 Resources Typical Popularity -5 Powers Time Phasing: His peculiar form of time travel enables him to step in and out of

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Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark Todd Arliss Fighting Amazing Agility Excellent Strength Monstrous Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Remarkable Psyche Excellent Health 175 Karma 56 Resources Typical Popularity -10 Powers Body Resistance: Excellent protection again physical and energy damage. Resistance to Cold: Excellent

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Tick Tock

Tick Tock Fighting Poor Agility Typical Strength Typical Endurance Typical Reason Remarkable Intuition Unearthly Psyche Monstrous Health 22 Karma 205 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Precognition: Tick Tock has Monstrous powers of precognition. He reads the most likely timelines and

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Thunderball Elliot Franklin Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Incredible Endurance Remarkable Reason Excellent Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 130 Karma 36 Resources Poor Popularity -5 Powers Body Resistance: Excellent protection against physical and energy damage. Resistances: Remarkable resistance to Fire,

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Thanos Thanos of Titan Fighting Monstrous Agility Remarkable Strength Shift-Y Endurance Class 1000 Reason Monstrous Intuition Incredible Psyche Unearthly Health 1295 Karma 215 Resources Unearthly Popularity -100 Powers Immortality: As the Power and in all planes. Thanos is currently bared

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Terrax Tyros of Lanlak Fighting Unearthly Agility Amazing Strength Monstrous Endurance Monstrous Reason Good Intuition Monstrous Psyche Amazing Health 300 Karma 135 Resources Poor Popularity -20 / 50 on Birj Powers True Invulnerability: Un resistance to physical and energy attacks,

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Terminus Fighting Unearthly Agility Unearthly Strength Class 1000 Endurance Class 3000 Reason Monstrous Intuition Monstrous Psyche Unearthly Health 4200 Karma 250 Resources Class 3000 Popularity -500 Powers None Equipment Cyborg Exoskeleton: The Terminus armor is an immense robot controlled by

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