Fighting Poor
Agility Feeble
Strength Poor
Endurance Excellent
Reason Amazing
Intuition Good
Psyche Amazing
Health 30
Karma 110
Resources Good
Popularity 2
Multitasking: Modok could use any two of his psionic powers at once.
Force Field: Monstrous protection against energy and Good against physical damage
Heat: Amazing power at will. Living victims who were attacked in this manner suffered Good damage.
Kinetic Bolt: Amazing Energy or force
Mental Probe: Incredible power at a range of up to 5 miles.
Psionic Blast: Amazing
Total Memory: Amazing recall of any fact he had ever known.
Hoverchair: Modok is confined to his Hoverchair. Without it, he is unable to move about due to his greatly deformed body. It has the following characteristics:
Control Speed Body Protection
Excellent Good Remarkable None
Robot Body: When Modok employed this mechanism, his Strength and Fighting ranks were increased to Amazing. The body itself had the following characteristics:
Control Speed Body Proptection
Excellent Feeble Amazing Amazing