Dynamic Sorcery:
This power allows the magic user access to a variety of low-level magical cantrips and spells. Only one spell may be active per turn.
Typical Power Rank Cantrips:
School | Spell Name | Brief Description |
Abjuration | Resistance: | Subject gains +1cs on saving throws. |
Conjuration | Acid Splash: | Orb deals Power Rank acid damage. |
Divination | Detect Poison: | Detects poison in one creature or small object. |
Detect Magic: | Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. | |
Read Magic: | Read scrolls and spellbooks. | |
Enchantment | Daze: | Humanoid creature of Power Rank +1cs endurance or less loses next action. |
Evocation | Dancing Lights: | Creates torches or other lights. |
Flare: | Dazzles one creature (–1cs on attack rolls). | |
Light: | Object shines like a torch. | |
Ray of Frost: | Ray deals Power Rank cold damage. | |
Illusion | Ghost Sound: | Figment sounds. |
Necromancy | Disrupt Undead: | Deals Power Rank +1cs damage to one undead. |
Touch of Fatigue: | Touch attack fatigues target (-1cs to physical actions for 1-10 rounds). | |
Transmutation | Mage Hand: | 5-pound telekinesis. |
Mending: | Makes Power Rank -1cs repairs on an object. | |
Message: | Whispered conversation at distance. | |
Open/Close: | Opens or closes small or light things as Power Rank strength. | |
Universal | Arcane Mark: | Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible). |
Prestidigitation: | Performs minor tricks. |
Excellent Power Rank Spells:
School | Spell Name | Brief Description |
Abjuration | Alarm: | Wards an area for 2 hours. |
Endure Elements: | Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments, as Power Rank Resistance. | |
Hold Portal: | Holds door shut as Power Rank strength. | |
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: | +2cs to defensive moves, saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders for 2 rounds. | |
Shield: | Invisible disc as shield with Power Rank material strength +2cs to block energy missiles. | |
Conjuration | Grease: | Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery with Power Rank. |
Mage Armor: | Gives subject +2cs body armor bonus. | |
Mount: | Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level. | |
Obscuring Mist: | Power Rank Fog surrounds you. | |
Summon Monster I: | Calls Power Rank extraplanar creature to fight for you. | |
Unseen Servant: | Invisible Power Rank force obeys your commands. | |
Divination | Comprehend Languages: | You understand all spoken and written languages. |
Detect Secret Doors: | Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. | |
Detect Undead: | Reveals undead within 60 ft. | |
Identify M: | Determines properties of magic item. | |
True Strike: | +2cs on your next attack roll. | |
Enchantment | Charm Person: | Makes one person your friend as Power Rank mind control. |
Hypnotism: | Fascinates creature of Power Rank Psyche. | |
Sleep: | Puts up to 4 creatures of Power Rank Psyche into magical slumber. | |
Evocation | Burning Hands: | Power Rank level fire damage. |
Floating Disk: | Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds as if Power Rank strength. | |
Magic Missile: | Missile of Good damage; +1 missile per two ranks above Excellent (max 5). | |
Shocking Grasp: | Touch delivers Power Rank Electrical Damage. | |
Illusion | Color Spray: | Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns Power Rank endurance creature. |
Disguise Self: | Changes your appearance. | |
Magic Aura: | Alters object’s magic aura. | |
Silent Image: | Creates minor illusion of your design. | |
Ventriloquism: | Throws voice for 1 min. | |
Necromancy | Cause Fear: | One creature of Power Rank Psyche or less flees for 1d4 rounds. |
Chill Touch: | One touch deals Power Rank Frost damage and possibly (on red feat) 1cs Str damage. | |
Ray of Enfeeblement: | Ray deals 1d6 +1 per Strength damage for 1d10 turns, save versus Power Rank. | |
Transmutation | Animate Rope: | Makes a rope move at your command. |
Enlarge Person: | Humanoid creature grows in size as Power Rank Enlargement. | |
Erase: | Mundane or magical writing vanishes. | |
Expeditious Retreat: | Your movement speed increases as power rank hyper-speed for 1 turn. | |
Feather Fall: | Objects or creatures fall slowly. Negates Fall damage | |
Jump: | Subject gets bonus on +2cs to strength for leaping for one turn. | |
Magic Weapon: | Weapon gains +1cs bonus to damage and strength. Counts as Magical Damage | |
Reduce Person: | Humanoid creature shrinks in size as Power Rank Shrinking. |