Basil Karlo
Fighting Remarkable
Agility Remarkable
Strength Incredible
Endurance Monstrous
Reason Typical
Intuition Good
Psyche Remarkable
Health 175
Karma 46
Resources Typical
Popularity 0
Clay Body: Basil’s body is made out of a clay-like substance that is under his direct control. This allows him to reform his body at will into shapes such as the following:
Hammers: Amazing damage
Cages: Incredible material
Phasing” through openings with Remarkable ease
Elongate up to 2 areas
Armor Skin: Amazing reistance to physical attacks and Incredible vs most energy attacks
Clayblast: Incredible force with a 2 area range
Molecular Conversion: Amazing ability to transform sand into his special form.
Healing: Up to half his damage per day
Acting, Petty criminal skills