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The Fly

The Fly Richard Deacon Fighting Excellent Agility Incredible Strength Remarkable Endurance Incredible Reason Poor Intuition Monstrous Psyche Good Health 130 Karma 89 Resources Poor Popularity -5 Powers Winged Flight: Excellent Wallcrawling: Remarkable Circular Vision: 360 degrees Windblast: Amazing Talents None

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Flux Private Benny Tibbets Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Monstrous Endurance Monstrous Reason Poor Intuition Typical Psyche Excellent Health 180 Karma 30 Resources Typical Popularity -5 Powers Invulnerablity: Class 1000 resistance to Cold, Heat, Fire, Radiation and Disease True Invulnerability:

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Flagsmasher Unknown Fighting Remarkable Agility Excellent Strength Remarkable Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Remarkable Psyche Typical Health 110 Karma 46 Resources Incredible Popularity -20 Powers None Equipment Skin Armor: Flag-Smasher’s costume is highly resilient, giving him Good protection Vs Physical

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Fixer Paul Norbert Ebersol Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Good Reason Incredible Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 32 Karma 70 Resources Remarkable Popularity 10 Powers None Equipment Battle-vest: Remarkable material and protection it contains the following weapons: Sonic

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Fin Fang Foom

Fin Fang Foom Fighting Amazing Agility Remarkable Strength Unearthly Endurance Shift-X Reason Poor Intuition Excellent Psyche Monstrous Health 330 Karma 99 Resources Not Applicable Popularity -20 Powers Growth: Fin Fang Foom can increase it size up to Shift-Z. Claws: Remarkable

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Feral Maria Callasantos Fighting Remarkable Agility Incredible Strength Remarkable Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Excellent Psyche Remarkable Health 130 Karma 56 Resources Poor Popularity -5 Powers Feral’s powers stem from her mutant feline body which gives her catlike agility, animalistic

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Fer-de-Lance Teresa (full name unknown) Fighting Remarkable Agility Excellent Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Typical Intuition Excellent Psyche Good Health 80 Karma 36 Resources Typical Popularity -4 Powers None Equipment Claws: Fer-de-Lance utilizes a pair of 1-foot claws strapped to

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Fatale Unknown Fighting Remarkable Agility Remarkable Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Excellent Health 90 Karma 50 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Teleportation: Unearthly, up to 4 people. Shape-change: Amazing Blending: Monstorus, Intuition FEAT vs. power rank

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Fabian Cortez

Fabian Cortez Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Excellent Reason Excellent Intuition Good Psyche Good Health 56 Karma 40 Resources Good Popularity 0 Powers Power Amplification: Cortez has the ability to amplify the powers of another mutant, increasing their

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Blizzard II

Blizzard II Donny Gill Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 50 Karma 22 Resources Typical Popularity 0 Powers None Equipment Battlesuit: Armor: Good protection vs physical and Amazing protection vs Cold.

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