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Harry Leland

Black Bishop Harry Leland Fighting Good Agility Typical Strength Excellent Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Good Psyche Excellent Health 66 Karma 36 Resources Incredible Popularity 15 Powers Mass Alteration: Harry could temporarily increase the mass of any person or object

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Harpoon Unknown Fighting Excellent Agility Incredible Strength Excellent Endurance Remarkable Reason Typical Intuition Typical Psyche Good Health 110 Karma 22 Resources Good Popularity -10 Powers Imbue energy: Harpoon may charge objects with various forms of bio-energy so that they release

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Hammerhead Unknown Fighting Excellent Agility Good Strength Good Endurance Excellent Reason Good Intuition Good Psyche Remarkable Health 60 Karma 50 Resources Excellent Popularity -3 Powers Metal Plated Skull: Hammerhead’s cranium has been replaced with steel (Amazing material strength) that provides

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Halflife Unknown Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Excellent Endurance Remarkable Reason Good Intuition Typical Psyche Good Health 70 Karma 26 Resources Feeble Popularity -5 Powers Bio-physical Control-Aging: Halflife can age any organic being or material half way through its normal

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Gypsy Moth

Gypsy Moth Sybil Dvorak Fighting Typical Agility Good Strength Typical Endurance Excellent Reason Poor Intuition Good Psyche Poor Health 42 Karma 18 Resources Remarkable Popularity 0 Powers Psychokinesis: Gypsy Moth is a mutant with the power to manipulate non-living materials

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Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper Eric Williams Fighting Good Agility Excellent Strength Remarkable Endurance Incredible Reason Typical Intuition Typical Psyche Typical Health 100 Karma 18 Resources Feeble Popularity -20 Powers Zombie Powers: Eric was reanimated as a zombie with the following powers: Body

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Grey Gargoyle

Grey Gargoyle Paul Pierre Duval Fighting Remarkable Agility Excellent Strength Incredible Endurance Incredible Reason Excellent Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 130 Karma 36 Resources Good Popularity -15 Powers Body Transformation: By touching himself with his right hand, Duval transforms himself

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Gremlin Unknown Fighting Good Agility Good Strength Poor Endurance Remarkable Reason Incredible Intuition Good Psyche Remarkable Health 54 Karma 80 Resources Good Popularity 5 Powers Hyper Intelligence: Gremlin’s reason is Amazing in the areas of engineering, electronics, physics, genetics and

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Green Goblin II

Green Goblin II Harry Osborn Fighting Excellent Agility Amazing Strength Remarkable Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Good Psyche Typical Health 140 Karma 26 Resources Excellent Popularity -15 Powers Regeneration: Amazing Equipment Body Armor: Excellent protection vs Physical and Force attacks,

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Green Goblin I

Green Goblin I Norman Osborn Fighting Excellent Agility Incredible Strength Remarkable Endurance Incredible Reason Good Intuition Excellent Psyche Typical Health 130 Karma 36 Resources Excellent Popularity -15 Powers Regeneration: Amazing Equipment Body Armor: Excellent protection vs Physical and Force attacks,

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