Identity: Ali Al-Saachez
Origin: Altered Human
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Saudi Arabian
Status: Deceased
- Fighting: Remarkable 30
- Agility: Remarkable 30
- Strength: Excellent 20
- Endurance: Remarkable 30
- Reason: Remarkable 30
- Intuition: Good 10
- Psyche: Incredible 40
Health: 110
Karma: 80
Resources: Typical 5
Popularity: -50
Initiative: +0
Powers: 3/3
- Absorption Power (Kinetic), Rank: Incredible 40
- Earth Control, Rank: Remarkable 30
- Stunt:
- Sand Storm: Raises a sand storm that decreases visibility and deals Excellent 20 damage.
- Magnitude: Area attack, causes an earthquake of variable intensity. Power feat determines damage dealt: Green:Remarkable, Yellow:Incredible, Red: Amazing.
- Sound Manipulation, Rank: Incredible 40
- Stunt:
- Sonic Slash: Focuses sonic vibrations into a molecule thin field that causes Incredible Edged Damage
- Nullifier Missile, Rank: Incredible 40
- Limitation: Takes 1 turn to charge the attack.
Talents: 2/2
- Martial Arts E
- Electronics
- First Aid
- Full Body 9-ply kevlar backed by Type C Beta Cloth with composite ceramic impact plates provides Remarkable protection from physical attacks.
Known Affiliations: Memeber of The Killer Four
Occupation: Mercenary