The Crimson Crusader Age 17
Identity: Secret Identity
Origin: Young Viltrumite / Human Hybrid.
Real Name: Ashton Corbin
Age: 17
Height: 6 feet
Body-type: Athletic
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Caucasian
F – Incredible 40
A – Remarkable 30
S – Amazing 50
E – Incredible 40
R – Typical 6
I – Typical 6
P – Excellent 20
Health: 160
Karma: 32
Resources: Poor 4
Popularity: 0
Initiative: +0
– True Invulnerability: Incredible 40
– Hyper Flight: Incredible 40
– Life Support: Amazing 50
– Recovery: Excellent 20
– Heightened Hearing: Remarkable 30
– Martial Arts B (Strikes): +1 Cs to fighting in unarmed combat.
– Tumbling: May make agility FEAT to land feet-first after any fall that does not inflict damage.
– Acrobatics: +1CS when dodging, evading, and escaping.
– Costume: Material Strength Typical 6
The Crimson Crusader Age 28
Identity: Secret Identity
Origin: Adult Viltrumite / Human Hybrid.
Real Name: Ashton Corbin
Age: 28
Height: 6’2” feet
Body-type: Athletic
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Caucasian
F – Incredible 40
A – Remarkable 30
S – Unearthly 100
E – Unearthly 100
R – Good 10
I – Excellent 20
P – Excellent 20
Health: 270
Karma: 50
Resources: Poor 4
Popularity: 20
Initiative: +1
– True Invulnerability: Monstrous 75
– Hyper-Flight: Mn 75 :
–Make up to 3 combat actions per round.
–Substitute for Intuition for Initiative
–Reach maximum flight or ground speed in one round and has no penalties making high speed maneuvers or starting or stopping suddenly.
– Life Support: Shift X
– Recovery: Excellent 20
– Heightened Hearing: Remarkable 30
– Longevity: His lifespan covers thousands of years. The older he gets, the slower he ages.
– Martial Arts B (Strikes): +1 Cs to fighting in unarmed combat.
– Viltrumite Martial Arts: The Character has mastered the ability to use his hands as if they were sharp edged weapons, inflicting up to Shift -X Edge
– Tumbling: May make agility FEAT to land feet-first after any fall that does not inflict damage.
– Acrobatics: +1CS when dodging, evading, and escaping.
– Sailor: +CS fishing and boating.
1. The Avengers
2. Shield
3. Wildstrike
4. Satellite
5. Captain Fusion
– Costume: Good 10 protection vs. Wear and Tear
Growing up a normal boy in Empire City is an understatement when there’s the constant threat of super beings tearing up the place. Born to a broken home, Ashton’s father left when he was still a new born. The only image left of Mr. B. Corbin, denotes a strong muscular man sporting a thick black mustache. Ashton’s mother, Lisa Corbin, has had to deal with the hardships of being a single mother in the busy lifestyle of Empire City. Lisa still retains the job of secretary, for the company Mr. Corbin worked in, met and promptly married Lisa. The company’s name is Viltrum Inc. LLC, they work in logistics shipping of industrial machinery.
Ash is currently about to graduate high school and has recently begun to manifest latent powers.
Somehow even though his past has lacked a father figure, he has managed to do well for himself, and after discovering his growing powers, he decided to use this for fighting crime and doing good.He decided to buy a generic costume on the Internet and become the hero called:
The Crimson Crusader!
About ten years later, Ashton still fights crime, when he gets a break from work as a freight transport sailor for Viltrum Inc. LLC. He has helped Shield and The Avengers in times of great need and is feared by the criminals in Empire City.