Identity: Michael Redstone
Fighting Amazing
Agility Typical
Strength Unearthly
Endurance Unearthly
Reason Good
Intuition Typical
Psyche Typical
Health 206
Karma 22
Resources Unearthly
Popularity 40
Body Resistance: Amazing resistance to physical and energy attacks
Redstone draws power from the Earth. 10 rounds after contact with the ground is interupted, his Strength and Endurance drop -1CS each round thereafter to an minimum of Good.
Survival, Hunting
Squadron Supreme
Michael Redstone was the first new recruit Nighthawk found for his Redeemers. Redstone proved to be the equal of Hyperion in strength, and became de facto leader of the Redeemers after Nighthawk’s death. When the Squadron traveled into space to confront the Nth Man, Redstone suffered a violent reaction from being seperated from the Earth. Although Dr. Spectrum tried to return the dying Redstone to Earth in time, he was too late.