Identity: Majestrix Lilandra of the House Nerami
Fighting Excellent
Agility Excellent
Strength Remarkable
Endurance Incredible
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Excellent
Psyche Remarkable
Health 110
Karma 80
Resources Class 1000
Popularity 100
Limited Telepathy: Shift-Z telepathic link with Xavier
Battle Armor: Incredible vs physical and energy
Sh’iar Technology: Lilandra has access to any Sh’iar technology as she requires
Weapons: Lilandra may typically be found carrying the following weapons. As noted above she has unrestricted access to the advanced technology of the Sh’iar if she so desired.
Incredible strength blaster
Laser sword: Incredible edged
Pulse Cannon: Shift-X damage this cannon is located in her quarters.
Martial Arts A and E, Weapon Specialist: Laser Sword, Shi’ar technology
Xmen, Professor Xavier, Imperial Guard, Starjammers, Sh’iar Imperium