Ironman – Stealth MK III

Ironman – Stealth MK III
Identity: Anthony Stark

Fighting Excellent
Agility Remarkable
Strength Incredible
Endurance Monstrous
Reason Incredible
Intuition Excellent
Psyche Good

Health 165
Karma 70
Resources Remarkable
Popularity 35



The Mark III Stealth armor was another of the specialized suits of armor developed by Tony Stark for specific missions, similar to the Space armor. The Stealth armor incorporated Stark’s latest “stealth” technology at the time, enabling Iron Man to foil detection devices and slip in and out of restricted areas undetected. Significantly, the Mark III unit was also specifically designed to combat the Black Panther’s anti-metal vibranium claws. Although the development of Stark’s new cloaking technology for the Mark 25 “S.K.I.N.” armor probably rendered the Mark III unit’s stealth technology obsolete, the Stealth armor is nevertheless an effective weapon against opponents such as the Black Panther and Magneto because of its plastic/ceramic design.

Body Armor: The Mark III Stealth armor is composed entirely of advanced composite ceramics and plastic gel pack circuitry, fused with a kevlar-like polymer, an Incredible strength material. The armor provides Remarkableprotection vs. physical and energy attacks. Because the armor contains no metal, it is totally immune to “anti-metal” vibranium (a.k.a. Antarctic vibranium) and to magnetism.
Active Cloak: The armor warps the active signal used by electronic detection systems including radar, sonar, sonic and magnetic resonance scanners, providing Unearthly protection from such systems.
Invisibility: The entire outer surface of the armor is coated with a glass-like finish and equipped with an array of holographic-image projectors which create a seamless image of the surrounding area onto the armor’s surface, creating the illusion of invisibility with Incredible ability. The image projectors are effective across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, rendering the armor invisible to visible light, infra-red, and ultraviolet sensors. Note: the suit’s outer surface coating is vulnerable to ammonia. An ammonia-based cleaning solution will cause the glass-like finish to spot. As a result, parts of the armor will no longer cloak properly.
Silent Running: The armor also houses an active noise-reduction engine for silent stalking. The jet-boots are equipped with sonic baffles and heat dissipaters to prevent any sonic or heat detection as long as the armor does not exceed Amazing air speed (8 areas/ round). The armor even stores the CO2 produced by the wearer–releasing it through small vents only in non-compromising situations.
Protected Senses: The armor is equipped with polarized eye lenses that drop automatically in the presence of bright light. These lenses provide Monstrous protection from light based blinding attacks. The armor is also equipped with sonic baffles that automatically screen out intense sound. These baffles provide Amazing protection from deafening attacks. Finally, the armor is equipped with sensors that automatically detect the presence of toxic substances in the armor’s vicinity (such as a poison gas) and will seal the armor off and activate its internal air supply. The sensors have a range of one area radius.
Flight: The armor is equipped with air-breathing, electric turbine boot jets which provide flight at upto 960 m.p.h., or Shift-X speed. Iron Man can reach his top speed in 5 turns, and decelerate to a full stop in 4 turns. The boot jets are equipped with a small supply of liquid oxygen, enabling them to function in vacuums or underwater for up to one hour. An onboard flight computer grants a +2CS to any Agility FEAT that involves manuvers or turns. The boot jets enable Iron Man to reach Excellent speed underwater. Used as weapons, the boot jets can cause upto Remarkable blunt attack damage at close range.
Wall Crawling/Traction: The armor’s boots and gauntlets are equipped with micro-suction cups that provide it with Excellent wall crawling abilities. The armor can also electromagnetically affix itself to any metallic surface, with Amazing ability.
Repulsors: These are the suit’s primary weapons systems, consisting of particle beam projectors located in the palms. The Repulsors cause up to Amazing force or blunt attack damage, or can stun opponents with Remarkable ability, at a range of 10 areas. Note that the Repulsors cannot be used while the armor is invisible. A built-in targeting computer provides a +2 CS to hit and can track multiple targets (up to 2 attacks with a Yellow FEAT, and up to 4 attacks with a Red FEAT).
Reactive Plasma Discharge: The armor’s primary layer was treated to react to vibranium. Upon coming in contact with vibranium, such as the Black Panther’s claws, the armor automatically releases a powerful plasma discharge of Monstrous intensity.
Uni Beam: The uni-beam is a chest-mounted projector. Note that the Uni-Beam cannot be used while the armor is invisible. Opponents attempting to dodge the uni-beam’s weapons systems receive an additional +1 CS on their FEAT roll due to the immobile nature of the uni-beam’s location. Conversely, Iron Man receives a +3CS to hit any opponent he has grappled (or who have grappled him from his front). The Stealth armor’s uni-beam is equipped with the following weapons systems:
Vario Beam: High intensity power lamp, used to create sustained beam of light of upto Remarkable intensity at a range of 5 areas, or a strobe-burst of Incredible intensity that affects everyone in the area facing Iron Man. Opponents struck by the Vario Beam must make a successful Intuition FEAT roll or be blinded for 1-10 turns. Opponents who cover or avert their eyes also receive the benefit of an Endurance FEAT roll to avoid the effects. Blinded characters make Fighting, Agility and Intuition FEATs at -4CS. The Vario Beam does not affect characters who are already blind. In addition to visible light, the Vario Beam can project light in various other wavelengths, including visible, ultraviolet and infra-red.
Laser Beam: Causes up to Incredible energy damage at a range of 5 areas.
Electromagnetic Pulse: Wide band electromagnetic pulse renders electronic equipment inoperable for 100 turns with Unearthly ability. Use of the pulse shifts Iron Man’s Fighting, Agility, Strength and Endurance 3CS to the left (Health is unaffected) for 10 turns. During this time, no weapon sub-systems can be operated.
Sensors: The armor provides infravision, telescopic vision, and enhanced hearing, with Amazing ability. The armor is also equipped with radar, sonar, sonic, thermal, X-ray, and infra-red detection units. Each has a range of 100 miles and functions with Monstrous ability. While the sensors are active, Iron Man cannot be blindsided. Iron Man’s armor also can detect hazardous gases, chemicals, and particles, estimate height, weight, and distance, and estimated times of arrival based on velocity with Incredible ability.
Communicators: The armor is also equipped with an all band radio communicator, several cell phone lines, a wireless modem, several private frequency lines, police bands, and an AM/FM radio. The armor can link up with global satellites to enable communications around the world.
Camera: Equipped with infra-red film.
Computers: The armor has a built-in housekeeping computer of Amazing ability that controls and monitors most suit functions and processes data. The computer can access the Avengers’ main computer for information about various superhuman criminals.
Override: The armor can override and control any electronic device with Amazing ability. Iron Man must make a Reason FEAT roll to establish control over the device. Establishing control requires 1-10 turns.
Air Supply: The armor contains enough compressed air for 2 hours of normal breathing (this is shortened if the armor is operated at high pressure). The oxygen tanks automatically replenishes itself when exposed to breathable air.
Life Support: The armor provides a complete nuclear, chemical, biological environment for 60 days.

Alter Ego: When not wearing the Ironman suit Tony Stark has the following abilities:

Fighting Typical
Agility Typical
Strength Typical
Endurance Typical

Health 24


Bionics, Business/Finance, Cybernetics, Electronics, Engineering, Weapons Design, Martial Arts A B


As a former industrialist playboy, Tony Stark has numerous contacts throughout the engineering, business and entertainment world. He also has numerous contacts throughout the intelligence community, thanks to his former days as a munitions developer. Finally, he is founding member of the Avengers, and is a close friend and ally of Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, the Black Widow, Jack of Hearts, and Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. His personal confidants include James Rhodes (formerly Iron Man II; formerly War Machine I), Bethany Cabe, Harold Hogan, and Pepper Potts.


Anthony Stark was born to the family of Howard Stark (a wealthy industrialist) and Maria Stark, and inherited the family company at an early age. When he was in Viet Nam supervising his US munitions supply, he was fataly wounded in the heart and captured by communists who wanted him to build a weapon for them. Instead, he created the first of the Iron Man armors that would help his health as well as providing an escape. He was helped fleeing the country by James Rhodes.

Stark kept himself alive through the use of the armored chest plate, and played a dual role as industrialist / millionaire / playboy Stark, and bodyguard / Stark employee / adventurer Iron Man, stopping corporate espionage, founding and supplying SHIELD, and founding and joining the Avengers. Later, among various armor redesigns, Stark recieved a heart transplant, oblivating the need for his armored pacemaker chest plate.

Then, over time and during Stark’s long bout with alcoholism, Obadiah Stane managed to wrest control of Stark’s company and bring Stark to virtual poverty. At this time, Rhodes took on the Iron Man identiy. Soon, Stark and his friends were able to form a successful rival company, Circutis Maximus. After a while, Stark’s battle with Stane was brought to a head, and Stark regained control of his father’s company. Stark also began his recovery from alcoholism.

Soon, he discovered that technology developed by Stark Int’l was being used by armored criminals, and thus began a long “Armor War” as Stark tracked down all evidence of his corrupted technology. This led him to violate many laws, and even kill the Soviet agent, Gremlin. The US Army sent an armored soldier, Firepower, to apprehend Stark, who ultimately faked his death, using an “Iron-Man-as-Stark-employee”excuse to come back as Iron Man again.

Later, he was shot by Kathy Dare, an old girlfriend in an insane rage of jealousy. This left him severly injured, paralyzed from the waist down. He could, however, fully function while in the Iron Man armor, and he remained increasingly dependant on the armor until a microchip device was implanted in his spine to enable him to walk again. However, his body later rejected the implant, and Stark’s body was put in a cyrogenic freeze, after which Stark legeally died, and Rhodes took over running Stark’s business.

Stark recovered, however, and took on the mantle of iron once again, much to the chagrin of pinch-hitter Rhodes. Rhodes left Stark Int’l to become his own hero, War Machine, although Stark and Rhodes later repaired their friendship.

Subsequent activities led Iron Man to help disband the Avengers’ West Coast branch and set up Force Works, before he influenced by the time-travelling manipulator Immortus. Becoming a traitor to the Avengers, Stark murdered the Avengers’ nanny Marilla, Avengers’ associate Yellowjacket II, and even a Force Works public relations manager. Stark ultimately faught a younger version of himself (brought from the past to fight him,) with both heroes mortally wounding the other. Before he passed away, Tony Stark tried to redeem himself by providing plans for a pacemaker chest plate that would save the life of his younger self and would pave the way for him to be the next Iron Man.

This new Iron Man later sacrificed himself to the psychic-energy villain Onslaught, and was shunted to a pocket universe. Upon re-emerging from this universe, Iron Man was reborn into the body and the memories of Tony Stark as he appeared before Immortus’ manipulations. Finding Stark International bought by the Fujikawa Corporation, Tony Stark set up a new business for himself, Stark Solutions, as a technological consulting firm, and reassumed the Iron Man indentiy. Iron Man was on hand to reassemble the Avengers as well. Stark set up a new base of operations in his Seattle home, and eventually rescued the robot Jocasta, allowing her to interface with his mansion’s computer systems.

Tony Stark continues to adventure as Iron Man.

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