Identity: Dr. Robert Bruce Banner
Fighting Remarkable
Agility Good
Strength Monstrous
Endurance Monstrous
Reason Good
Intuition Good
Psyche Remarkable
Health 190
Karma 50
Resources Feeble
Popularity 0
Invulnerablity: Class 1000 resistance to Cold, Heat, Fire, Radiation, Disease
True Invulnerability: Amazing
Regeneration: Monstrous
Hyper-Leaping: Shift-Z
Astral Detection: Unearthly
Adrenaline Surge: The listed abilites and Health scores are for the Hulk under “normal” circumstances. The Hulk’s Fighting and Strength may be raised +1CS to a maximum of Shift-X to hit and damage. This requires the hulk has to make a successful Psyche FEAT roll to increase and only if he was hurt that round. If the opponent or opponents are defeated, the Hulks abilites and Health scores return to normal in the next round.
Special Detection: For some unknown reason, the Hulk is able to locate the place he was “born”; Desert Base, New Mexico with Class 3000 ability
Alter Ego: He turns into the Hulk when he gets mad. As Bruce Banner he has none of the powers above:
Fighting Typical
Agility Good
Strength Typical
Endurance Excellent
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Excellent
Psyche Good
Health 42
Karma 60
Banner Only: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Physics
As a child he was abused by his dad and he killed his dad when he was a teenager. After colleage he became an accomplished scientist and nuclear physicist. He was working on Gamma Bomb for the US goverment, when Rick Jones was on the testing site for the bomb. Bruce got Jones out of the way, but he himself got bombarded with gamma rays and turned into the Hulk, as a product of Banner’s split personality. (At first, such changes occured with with the sunset, reverting at dawn. Later, Banner would change with the adreniline rush of excitement or anger.)
For years, Banner lived as a fugitive, with the American governement hunting the Hulk. At times, Banner was able to control his Hulk persona with a degree of his own intelligence, but more often than not the child-like Hulk lashed out. Over time, three distinct personalities emerged: the Gray (self-assured and cocky) Hulk, the Intellagent (Banner-driven) Hulk, and the Savage (child-like, irrational, and angry) Hulk. Eventually, the world soon knew Banner’s secret identity.
At one point, the Savage Hulk found himself in a sub-atomic world ruled by the princess Jarella. They fell in love, and both returned to Earth, although Jarella sacrificed herself to save a child.
Later, Doc Samson was able to physically seperate the Hulk from Banner, creating two seperate beings. During this time, Banner became the leader of the government’s Hulkbuster taskforce to hunt the Hulk, and he even married long-time girlfriend Betty Ross. However, a continued seperation was killing both beings, and Banner and the Hulk soon merged again, re-creating the Grey Hulk, with old pattern of night-time hulking-out. As the Grey Hulk, he adopted the identiy of “Mr. Fixit” as a bouncer for a Las Vegas casino.
Later, after extensive therapy with the combined talents of Doc Samson and the Ringmaster, the Hulk merged the three different personalities within him. Soon after, he was contacted to join the Pantheon and served a long stint with them.
The Hulk was severely injured by the being known as Onslaught, physically seperating Banner from the Hulk body once again. Banner was then shunted to another demension, leaving Hulk in this world slowly dying.