Identity: None*
Origin: Artificially Generated Human
Gender: Appears Female but is unable to reproduce
Ethnicity: Asian
- Fighting: Good 10
- Agility: Good 10
- Strength: Good 10
- Endurance: Amazing 50
- Reason: Good 10
- Intuition: Incredible 40
- Psyche: Poor 4
Health: 80
Karma: 0
Resources: Poor 3
Popularity: 0
Initiative: +3
Powers: 3/3
- Energy Absorption, Rank: Amazing 50
- Energy Detection, Rank: Amazing 50
- Blue Energy Generation, Rank: Unearthly 100
Weakness: The Ener-gina organism is bred at an accelerated pace, they lack a sense of self and identity*. Their reactions follow a strict logic tree programmed into their genetic code as such they can only respond to a limited array of commands. Due to their accelerated growth they receive a growth inhibitor which causes a deterioration of their endocrine system. Once mature they do not show signs of aging but their life is only sustained for a period of 12 days.
- All sciences
- AIM-Zytron-174; 500 Level A Haz-mat Underlay: Amazing protection from radiation, toxins, corrosives, fire& heat, electricity. Provides Amazing protection to senses.
- AIM-IASGO-417 (Individual Armor System for Ground Operations) Body Armor provides Remarkable protection from physical attacks and Excellent protection from energy attacks. Medium weave causes -1cs Agility when used.
Known Affiliations: AIM