Dream Girl

Nura Nal

Fighting Good
Agility Excellent
Strength Typical
Endurance Excellent
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Amazing
Psyche Incredible

Health 56
Karma 120
Resources Incredible
Popularity 40


Precognition – Dreams: Unearthly


Must make a yellow power FEAT roll to deliberately use her precognitive powers, otherwise only functions through dreams.


Every Legionaire has access to the following personal equipment
Flight Ring: Allows True Flight at Excellent rank. Made from Typical strength materials. Able to broadcast an SOS with a 500 light year range. Additionally when travelling in a group the rings act in concert so the group will all travel at the fastest characters speed.
Telepathic Ear Plug: Made from Typical strength materials, these permit Typical rank telepathic abilities.
Transuits: These suits permit the wearer to utilise their own unique abilities without penalty. Additionally the suits provide Class 1000 Life Support.
Each Legionaire may also select items from “The Store” for unique occasions. These include:
Chronal Howitzer: Is a bomb like device that sends it’s target/victims through time with Class 1000 ability.
Distorters: Image inducers permit Amazing rank illusions, disguising the appearance of the user
Blaster Rifles: Amazing strength energy blast. Range 5 areas.
Dominator Blasters: Incredible strength energy blast. Range 4 areas.
Hand Held Blasters: Incredible strength energy blast. Range 2 areas.
Sklarian Blasters: Incredible strength energy blast. Range 4 areas.
Khund Blasters: Incredible strength energy blast. Range 4 areas.


Mystic Background, Genetics, Engineering, Martial Arts: E, First Aid


Legion Of Superheroes, Naltor Government


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