
Irene Adler

Fighting Poor
Agility Typical
Strength Poor
Endurance Excellent
Reason Good
Intuition Unearthly
Psyche Monstrous

Health 34
Karma 185
Resources Good
Popularity 5


Precognition: Destiny has the ability to scan multiple timelines in a single instant and select the one most likely to occur. She has a 97% chance of predicting the correct timeline for the next round of game play, but loses 10% of her accuracy for every round following the initial one. Another factor that may alter the timeline is any totally unexpected, irrational behavior by her teammates. If Destiny takes an active hand in the actions of the next few rounds, her chance of guiding her team to the right prediction is improved. This has the following effects on the game:
As long as Destiny can clearly communicate with her comrades, her team will always immediately gain surprise (their initiative die roll is always considered 11). All of Destiny’s teammates must be within three unobstructed areas of her for this power to work. If Destiny is rendered unconscious, or is otherwise unable or unwilling to participate, all the advantages are lost.
Destiny can use her Karma to help another character’s actions (as she would normally help her own) if the other character is within three unobstructed areas of her.
If Destiny attempts to make a long range prediction (more then five rounds in the future), the Judge should secretly make a Psyche FEAT roll for her. Predicting up to 15 minutes into the future requires a green FEAT roll, up to 24 hours in the future is a yellow FEAT roll, and beyond that is a red FEAT roll. Any white failure means that she has completely failed and sees nothing, while a colored failure means that she sees the wrong timeline and the Judge should present a misleading scenario. When she fails, all surprise and initiative advantages, and the ability to confer them on others, are lost for the next 1-10 rounds


Blindness: Destiny is blind and usually carries a cane in her normal identity. When in battle, she wears a full face mask. Her powers allow her to see the most probable objects characters, etc., that are present. She is immunes to effects of holograms and other non-damaging optical attacks


Bows, Multi-Lingual (German and English)


Mystique, Freedom Force, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants III, HYDRA


Almost nothing has been revealed about the woman named Irene Adler. It is not even known how old she is, for whereas she appeared to be a woman in her 60’s, it had been speculated that she was far older. She was a longtime friend of the mutant villain Mystique, and as Destiny, joined her when Mystique formed a new version of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. It was due to Adler’s future visions that this version of the Brotherhood attacked Senator Robert Kelly and clashed with the mutant heroes X-men.

Adler later joined Mystique when she offered the Brotherhood’s services to the U.S. government’s services, renamed as Freedom Force. Adler participated in Freedom Force’s first mission for the U.S. government: the capture of Magneto, leader of the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Adler continued to serve with Freedom Force, including traveling with them to Dallas, Texas, where she foresaw the deaths of the X-men in battle against the ancient demon known as the Adversary. Later, on a battle with Freedom Force on the mutant research facility, Muir Isle, Adler was killed in battle with the terrorist Reavers.

Months later, Adler’s diary was found by the X-men Shadowcat, who found that Adler had foretold the actions of the mutant villain Apocalypse and his plans for what he called “the Twelve,” although it was ultimately unhelpful in the conflict.

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