Crimson Curse

Identity: Aerika Harkness

Fighting Good
Agility Typical
Strength Typical
Endurance Excellent
Reason Good
Intuition Good
Psyche Incredible

Health 42
Karma 60
Resources Typical
Popularity 10

Air Control: Aerika can control the wind. She has Remarkable ability and can perform the following power stunts:

Create wind gusts of up to Remarkable intensity
Fly at Good airspeed.

Plant Control and Communication: Incredible ability to control and communicate with all non-sentient plant life. This power has no effect on sentient plant life.
Plant Control: Unearthly. This power has no effect on sentient plant life.
Plant Growth: Amazing. This power has no effect on sentient plant life.
Empathy: Typical
Precognition: Excellent This power is limited to emotions related to Aerika and those close to her.


Occult Lore


The Dream Team, A-Next, Clint Barton, American Dream, Bluestreak, Freebooter


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