Average AIM Pilot
Origin: Normal Human
Ethnicity: Any
- Fighting: Good 10
- Agility: Excellent 20
- Strength: Good 10
- Endurance: Good 10
- Reason: Good 10
- Intuition: Good 10
- Psyche: Good 10
Health: 50
Karma: 30
Initiative: 0
- None
- Military
- Pilot
- AIM-Zytron-174; 500 Level A Haz-mat Underlay: Amazing protection from radiation, toxins, corrosives, fire& heat, electricity. Provides Amazing protection to senses.
- XV-18 AIM Battle Suit: The above is a standard battle suit developed by Advanced Idea Mechanics, it has been made available to the public through less-than-honest arms dealers. This armor draws on the advancements developed by James and Andrea Kirkman. The XV-18 model has been adapted to utilize the newly developed “Blue” Energy.
- Constructed of high strength Ablative which provides Incredible protection from physical damage, Excellent protection from energy based attacks.
- Force Field Generator: Based on the Stonewall 9000-M: Portable Force Field Generator. Grants Incredible protection from damage.
- Life Support System, Rank: Incredible 40
- Class I Sensor Array: This array includes radar, hi-res video, and infrared heat sensor units. As a move action, a Class I sensor array can perform either of the following functions with a successful Computer Use check Green:
- Ascertain the location and size of all visible ships on the battlefield.
- Identify and ascertain the location of all visible hazards on the battlefield (such as asteroids and mines).
- Analyze the chemical composition of a planet’s atmosphere (the ship must be orbiting the planet).
- Flight, Rank: Incredible 40. The armor flies by means of gyrostabilized turbines that allow the wearer to maintain a standing position while flying.
- Boot jets, if used as weapons, inflict Remarkable damage against targets in same area.
- Comm System: The mecha is equipped with a radio transceiver that can transmit on multiple frequencies in either LOS (line of sight) or omnidirectional mode. It can handle up to ten simultaneous two-way
conversations. Range 100 miles.
- Twin-Linked A-920 Mako Gatling Laser: Can Re-roll one miss result per turn.
- Range: 5 Areas
- Normal Damage: 40 points, energy
- Rate of Fire: 1 burst/round
- Number of Shots: 20 bursts/pack
- Inflicts Incredible energy damage, S&T.
- Yellow feat hits all in target area.
- Uses no ammo, operates on power pack.
- Typical strength material.
- A-1102 Asimo Rocket Launcher:
- Range: 10 Areas
- Normal Damage: 50 points, energy
- Rate of Fire: 1 shot/round
- Number of Shots: 20 shots/pack
- Inflicts Amazing shooting damage, S&T.
- Hits all in target area.
- Typical strength material.